Frequently Asked Questions.



I’ve never done pilates before or used a reformer, what should I do?

Yes! We love you already! You have come to the right place. We have beginners classes, and over 55s classes too that are suitable for beginners. Just book on in and we will take care of you.

Please please please make sure that you arrive at least 10 minutes early to your first class. This way we can properly induct you into the reformer and make you feel comfortable and confident with the machine before we start the class.

We will keep an eye on you during the class and help you out as needed. We always give spring and challenge options in classes. You will be well looked after!

Do I need to be fit to start pilates?

Oh my goodness, no! I had to include this on the FAQs because the number of times I get asked this blows me away. We love you just the way you are, and if you start with us and keep coming we have NO doubt that your confidence in yourself will change. Persistence and consistency is all that matters.

Forget the Instagram fancy moves, we all know that isn’t real life. We will look after you from the first day and build up the challenge until you are doing things you never thought you could (but all in good time, my friend, all in good time).

How do I get ready for my first class?
  • Wear something comfortable
  • Please bring your grip socks (you can also buy these in our studio, no problem)
  • Bringing a towel is a great idea
  • Bring some water (although we do have water in both of our studios too)
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early for the class and introduce yourself to your friendly instructor. They will be so excited to meet you.
I’m pregnant, is pilates still ok for me?

Congratulations! Yes, as long as you have no complications and have been cleared for exercise in a group class by your doctor, then you absolutely can attend. Those new to pilates or heavily pregnant we suggest you sticking with our Beginner / Prenatal class. This way we can easily modify for you. Those who have been coming for a while can come to our Flow classes, but please email us at info@pfpilates.com.au to check in first. This way we can let our instructors know to plan for pregnancy mods in classes for you!

I am going on holidays, can I pause my membership?

Yes, please just email your pause request, with dates, with at least 2 weeks notice to info@pfpilates.com.au and we will happily assist. Please don’t text or send messages to social media relating to membership pauses as they can easily be missed.

What are credits and how do I use them?

If you miss one of your membership classes in a week, then you get to keep that credit and use it within the next 4 weeks. When booking, instead of booking under ‘subscription’ on the app, click ‘credits’. The system will tell you how many credits you have left and let you book using a credit. Use your credits first as they expire.

When is my membership ‘week’ from?

Your membership week is from when you pay for the next 7 days. So, if you payment is taken out on a Wednesday, your ‘week’ is from that Wednesday to the next Tuesday. So if you have a Member Pro, you can book 2 classes between Wednesday and the following Tuesday. If you have any questions on this, or need further clarification, just email us on info@pfpilates.com.au and we will happily help.

As a member, can I book an extra class occasionally?

Yes! Because you are a member, you can book an extra class for $20. If you just go through the process of booking a class, the system will charge you the $20 if your membership is used up for that week (make sure to check you don’t have credits first!).

What is the cancellation policy?

Our cancellation policy is 9 hours before the start of the class for all morning classes (starting prior to 9am) AND all weekend classes (all day on weekends) and 2 hours for all other times. This means that if you cancel less than this time before a class, you will lose that visit. It is important for us to have this policy to ensure that all of our members have the ability to get in to classes and so that the waitlists work (they really do work!).

I’m on a waitlist, is there any point? How do they work?

Yes! There is a point to putting yourself on a waitlist. While we strongly suggest you booking in to your classes as soon as you can so that you can get a spot, if you need to put your name on a waitlist, never fear. There is still a chance you can get in to class.

The waitlists also stop at the cancellation period. This is mainly to avoid someone cancelling in the middle of the night and the next person getting in off the waitlist for an early morning class with no way of knowing, and then inadvertently no showing. If you have put yourself on a waitlist – please keep an eye on it. You can always take yourself off the waitlist if needed. Your app will tell you when you get in to the class.

Can I use my membership and packs at both studios?

The short answer is yes! We are born and bred Canberrans and know we don’t often venture to the other side of town, BUT if you happen to be there, by all means book a class in! Or just come for a sticky beak to check our our new digs in McKellar 😊 

However, the McKelllar Foundation Memberships will not be able to be used at Mawson for the first 4 months (because you are getting such a sweet deal!).